Winner – Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016!

I’m pleased to announce that, once again, one of my photograph is among the winners in the Wildlife Photographer of the Yearcompetition! A very special image indeed: I took this photograph – ‘Spirit of the mountains’ – near my home, in my beloved Valsavarenche in Italy’s Gran Paradiso National Park.


‘Spirit of the mountains’ (© Stefano Unterthiner). Winner – Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016


I created this image during a long-term assignment for National Geographic magazine, and it is displayed in my latest book Il sentiero perduto (Ylaios, 2015). With this photograph I wanted to capture the magic of this wild, wonderful region – the mountains of my childhood, for which I’ll keep fighting for more protection.


Once In A Blue Moon

Dear Friends, I’m sure you have all heard the expression “Once in a Blue Moon”, but did you know that a blue moon refers to the second full moon that falls in one calendar month?  This is pretty rare, occurring only about once every 2.5 years, but we had one recently on Oct 30, and […]

Maldives Mantas

DSC1318©Thomas P. Peschak copy

MALDIVES MANTA MADNESS My seaplane touched down at last light on August 14th 2009 settling on the choppy waters of Baa Atoll during a welcome lull in successive monsoon squalls. I can’t really think of a better birthday gift then returning to one of my favorite places on earth. Just over a year had passed […]

Career Achievement Award

On Saturday March 24th, Stefano was honered to collect, from the hand of his close friend Emanuele Biggi, a Career Achievement Award: theAnello Verde‘. This important award is given for his – almost – 20 years in the field working as nature and conservation photographer.



 Photos Stéphanie Francoise

Photo Ark Reaches 4,000 Species


The Photo Ark has reached an important milestone! This pygmy squid from Gulf Specimen Marine Lab in Panacea, FL, became the 4,000th species to be photographed by Joel Sartore. A long-time National Geographic contributor, Joel began this project in 2006 to document every captive species on Earth. He travels to zoos, aquariums, private breeders and other […]