Marco Vernaschi, The Land Of Never After

MARCO VERNASCHI_The Land Of Never After

The Land Of Never After delves into Argentina’s cyclical political landscape, marked by its perpetual swings between populist governments and extreme ideologies. Through the lens of the iconic Gaucho culture and its enduring values, the series examines the stark contrast between Argentina’s foundational principles of social equality, unity and harmony with nature, and the divisive populist rhetoric that dominates today.

Marco Vernaschi WARMI Campaign

In the process of transitioning to a more stable, equal and sustainable world, most societies are shaping a new vision for the future, and new foundations for the ages to come. In envisioning new ways of living, much may be learned from Cosmovision and the women from the Altiplano.

Ancestral and Contemporary Feminism converge in Argentina’s Andean Altiplano

Marco Vernaschi’s series Ahícito Nomás tells the story of inspiring matriarchs, community leaders, teachers, LGBT activists and violence survivors from the Altiplano. In different ways, all self-empowered women who, through their personal stories, reveal a multifaceted, resilient society where ancestral and contemporary feminism meet to make a difference.